Scripture and the Church

What Are the Seven Marks of a Scripture-Driven Church? (Introduction)

By Dr. Paul M. Elliott
Scripture identifies seven key characteristics that form a Biblical report card on the state of a church.

From the TeachingtheWord Bible Knowledgebase

Part 5 of a 13-part series. Read part 4.

Scripture identifies seven marks, or key characteristics, of a Scripture-driven church. Looking at how a church measures up to these seven standards gives us a Biblical report card on the state of a church.

The Crisis and its Cause

Thus far in this series of questions and answers, we have seen some (by no means all) of the evidence of the spiritual crisis in the Evangelical church. The Bible has become the "greatest story never read." Most Evangelicals cannot articulate or defend essential doctrines or Christian morality from the Bible. Much of the church is at best uncertain what is believes, and in many cases church leaders are openly disdainful of Biblical preaching. Moral laxity has become increasingly prevalent in the church. Like the church at Corinth two thousand years ago, much of today's church is putting up with those who bring in another Jesus, another spirit, and a different gospel.

Lack of sound Biblical instruction has created a spiritual vacuum in the church, and the world's thinking has rushed into the church to fill that vacuum. Thousands of Evangelical churches today are driven by purposes that have little or nothing to do with Christ's purpose for His church as He gave it in His Word.

The Solution

The singular solution to the crisis is to do exactly what the Apostle Paul did with the Corinthian church when it became disconnected from its source of power and authority, uncertain of what it believed, and no longer willing or able to confront evil with the truth. Paul pointed the Corinthian church back to Scripture. As he dealt with their problems one by one, he employed the fourfold use of Scripture that we find in 2nd Timothy 3:16. He called them back to sound doctrine. He reproved them from the Word of God. He corrected them. He instructed them, and pleaded with them and encouraged them to follow the righteous path once again.

And so it must be for the church today. The church of Jesus Christ must be the Scripture-driven church, solidly connected and committed to its Source of power and authority. God's inspired, inerrant Word must be our sole authority and our infallible critic in every area of life and ministry.

Seven Marks of a Scripture-Driven Church

As we search the pages of God's Word, we find seven marks, or key characteristics, of a Scripture-driven church. These seven marks form a Biblical checklist for the church. And looking at how a church measures up to these seven standards, gives us a Biblical report card on a church.

The people and leaders of a Scripture-driven church -

  1. Are committed to Scripture alone as their sole and final authority.
  2. Understand God's two-fold purpose for His church - preaching the Gospel to the world, and building up believers in sound doctrine.
  3. Rightly handle the Word of God, employing the four-fold use of Scripture found in 2 Timothy 3:16-17.
  4. Operate under the Bible's authority, asking the question, "Is it Biblical?" about everything the church is, says, and does.
  5. Identify and reject illegitimate authorities, recognizing that submitting to the right authority also means that the church must reject wrong authorities.
  6. Practice Bible-based evangelism, preaching the one true Gospel in its fullness.
  7. Answer anti-Christian positions with apologetics - a clear, Biblical defense of the faith - not apologies.

In future articles, we shall examine each of these seven marks of a Scripture-driven church in detail.

Next: Commitment to the Authority of Scripture: God's Dividing Line in the Church


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