Scripture and the News

I urge all of our readers to take the time to view a powerful sermon on this vital subject.
The recent shootings at a church school in Nashville have brought the sin of sexual self-identification for the forefront of the news. But among many in the church today there is an even deeper problem of sinful self-identification.
Men must recognize, and bow the knee to, the true Source of doctrine and authority.
A columnist recently declared, "Only Americans can save and strengthen America." Bible-believers must disagree.
The ungodly nature of Critical Theory and its massive spiritual dangers are little understood in society at large. Worse yet, much of the self-described evangelical church and Christian academia have embraced Critical Theory.
The answer is yes, but we must define the term "permit" Biblically.
What may at first seem ridiculous and laughable is deadly serious: The ungodliness that begins in liberal seminaries often makes its way into purportedly conservative churches in the next generation.
If you think that "death panels" do not exist in the American medical system, you are wrong.
It is not how a man begins that matters, but how he ends. "Bible Answer Man" Hank Hanegraaff is headed for a disastrous end.
The successes and failures of previous wars against Islam inform us - if we view them through the lens of Scripture.
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