We find the answer to this question in Jesus' own preamble to the familiar prayer given in Matthew 6.
Some churches teach that a person can receive Christ as Savior without receiving the Holy Spirit at the same time.
Some people misuse Romans 6:14-15 - "we are not under law but under grace" - to say that God's Law has no place in the church.
A continual, irreconcilable war rages within every true believer in Christ. It is the war between the flesh and the Spirit.
Scripture speaks of a constant warfare between the flesh and the Spirit in the believer's life until the end.
Sinners who believe on Him are not saved on the installment plan!
The Bible teaches that the believer in Christ possesses two kinds or aspects of sanctification.
Some false teachers claim that Paul says we are saved by faith, but James paraodxically says we are saved by works.
Justification is not a process or a set of stages. God's once-for-all act gives every believer full assurance of salvation.
Only when we grasp this doctrine do we begin to comprehend the true nature and infinite extent of God's saving grace.