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Ancient paganism is alive and active in present-day Mormonism. Mormon writings reveal that this cult's "God the Father" is not the one true and living God of Scripture, but a pagan monstrosity even worse than the Greeks' Zeus and the Romans' Jupiter. Stay tuned to learn more.
What does Mormonism teach about the Bible? Does this cult, which even some Evangelicals are calling "Christian", have a valid standard of truth? As we put Mormonism to the test required by God (1 John 4:1) we find that what it calls "scripture" is in fact a collection of evil fictions with roots in the occult.
Today we begin a series of broadcasts titled "Christianity vs. Mormonism." We begin with this question: For the last several years, prominent Evangelical leaders have been exhibiting what can only be described as an enormous and tragic lack of discernment regarding the dangers of Mormonism. Why has this happened? How must Bible-believing Christians respond? Stay tuned for the answers.
Some Christians are claiming that the election of either would be contrary to God's eternal plan. But what does Scripture say.
As we conclude the message we began on our last broadcast, we shall see that El Shaddai, God Almighty, not only has a grand plan that extends from before the creation of the world all the way into eternity - He also has a personal plan for each believer in Christ.
It is a great blessing, and source of encouragement, to study the names of God in the Bible. By His names, we understand who God is, how He operates, how He governs, how He deals with individuals and nations, how He deals with believers and unbelievers. Today we focus on the name by which God first identified Himself to Abraham four thousand years ago, and we find that it has great significance for believers today: El Shaddai - God Almighty.
Today many churches emphasize "seeker-sensitive" worship and evangelism. Sadly, the emphasis is on pleasing men rather than pleasing God.
But who is the true seeker, according to Scripture? We find the answer in Jesus' encounter with Zacchaeus in Luke chapter 19. Stay tuned as we conclude our series of messages titled "Jesus the Master Evangelist."
But who is the true seeker, according to Scripture? We find the answer in Jesus' encounter with Zacchaeus in Luke chapter 19. Stay tuned as we conclude our series of messages titled "Jesus the Master Evangelist."
In our study of Bibical evangelism we now come to the despised tax collector Zacchaeus, and what a difference we see! Unlike the rich young ruler, Zacchaeus understands who Jesus is - the Lord God - and who he is - a sinner who needs to repent and believe on the Savior.
Why the difference? Stay tuned for the answer, and more instruction on how we are to carry out the Great Commission, from Jesus the Master Evangelist.
Why the difference? Stay tuned for the answer, and more instruction on how we are to carry out the Great Commission, from Jesus the Master Evangelist.
The rich young ruler came to Jesus in self-righteousness, but our Lord soon demonstrated that he was really a young man in trouble with the law - God's Law. And that was only the beginning.
This account teaches us seven lessons about how we should present the Gospel to others. Stay tuned for more as we continue our series, "Jesus the Master Evangelist."
This account teaches us seven lessons about how we should present the Gospel to others. Stay tuned for more as we continue our series, "Jesus the Master Evangelist."
Today we continue our series on the subject of Bible-based evangelism as we turn to the Gospel of Luke, chapter eighteen. We are going to see how the Lord Jesus Christ, the Master Evangelist, deals with the rich young ruler.
We find that the rich young ruler is typical of many people today - both people outside the church, and many church-goers as well. He thinks he understands who Jesus is, but he finds out that Jesus is Someone very different. He thinks he understands his own heart - he thinks he is a good, moral person - until Jesus shows him the true condition of his heart.
And so we invite you to open your Bible to Luke chapter eighteen. Let's see how the Lord Jesus, the Master Evangelist, gets to the very center of this young man's spiritual need.
We find that the rich young ruler is typical of many people today - both people outside the church, and many church-goers as well. He thinks he understands who Jesus is, but he finds out that Jesus is Someone very different. He thinks he understands his own heart - he thinks he is a good, moral person - until Jesus shows him the true condition of his heart.
And so we invite you to open your Bible to Luke chapter eighteen. Let's see how the Lord Jesus, the Master Evangelist, gets to the very center of this young man's spiritual need.