Even the angels of Heaven do not know the details of our future. But what is their attitude while they watch God's plan for us unfold?
God may end a Christian's long night of waiting in many different ways, according to His wise and glorious purposes.
When Christians come to Christ's throne, His scepter is always extended to us in grace.
We may find ourselves "in the depths" because of sin in our lives; but God may also have other reasons for placing us there.
What kinds of "depths" are you experiencing?
Psalm 130 begins in the depths of our need, but ascends to the heights of God's redemption.
Contrary to what even some churches and preachers will tell you, you cannot "make your peace with God."
We do not have the authority to self-identify as male, female, or something allegedly in between. But far more vitally, we have no authority to self-identify as Christians. Just as God made male and female, only God makes a Christian.
Did you take up our challenge to read the entire Bible in 2016? Are you on target? Did you fall behind? Are you on the sidelines? Here's some practical encouragement.
Christians have much to be thankful for - above all, for that which Scripture calls "the reconciliation."