Cults - Mormonism

15: How To Witness to a Mormon: Four Vital Factors

By Dr. Paul M. Elliott
God's Word tells us that four factors must govern genuine Christians' witness to the lost souls of Mormonism.

From the TeachingtheWord Bible Knowledgebase

Part 15 of a series. Read part 14.

God's Word tells us that four factors must govern genuine Christians' witness to the lost souls of Mormonism.

Thus far in this series, our focus has been on asking essential questions about Mormonism, finding the answers in the writings of Mormonism's so-called prophets, and comparing those teachings with the authentic Word of God.

What We Have Learned

We have seen that Mormonism bases its authority on the commandments and doctrines of men, and not on Scripture alone. In fact, Mormonism has very little use for the Bible itself.

We have seen that the one word that most accurately describes Mormonism is paganism. So much that is to be found in Mormon teaching is a continuation of the long line of false beliefs that we find from the most ancient pagan religions of Old Testament times all the way up through those of the present day.

We have also seen that Mormonism is inherently polytheistic. The gods of Mormonism (gods with a small g, and gods in the plural) are not the one true and living God of the Bible, even though Mormons use the Bible's names of the persons of the genuine Trinity. The beings of the Mormon pantheon are in fact pagan substitutes for the God of the Bible. And the fact is that in the world of the demonic, such beings are real. Satan and his forces have their counterfeits corresponding to all things that are genuine, and Satan in his pride seeks to rob the one true and living God of the glory that is due His name.

We have also seen that Mormonism's doctrine of salvation is entirely contrary to Scripture. Mormonism denies the blood atonement of Jesus Christ for sinners. Mormonism teaches that each individual must atone for his own sins. It teaches that people will continue to pay for their sins even after the resurrection of the dead. It also teaches that Mormon men can become gods by their own works, and rule their own planets.

Now of course none of this is true, because none of this is taught in the authentic Word of God. Scripture demonstrates that the Mormon religion is absolutely false, absolutely pagan, and that it leads souls to a lost eternity in Hell.

How Should You Witness to a Mormon?

Having established all of this, we move to one final question. It is not a question about Mormonism, but a question about us as Christians: How should we as Bible-believing Christians witness to Mormons? How should you deal with Mormon missionaries when they come to the door of your home? How should you deal with members of the Mormon church you will encounter in your workplace or in your neighborhood?

These are not remote or theoretical questions. The number of people who are being baptized into the Mormon religion has been growing exponentially. Mormonism is growing not only in the United States where it originated, but in many other nations. The worldwide Mormon missionary effort is massive. To cite just one example, in the years since the breakup of the Soviet Union, Mormonism has made great inroads in the former Soviet republics and in the former satellite nations of Eastern Europe.

When I was still working in the business world, before the Lord called me to full-time ministry, I was in close contact with many Mormons in the company for which I worked. At one point the manager to whom I directly reported was a Mormon. A number of my colleagues and coworkers in the organization were Mormons. Some of the people who reported directly to me in the organization were Mormons.

So Mormonism is not something that you are merely going to encounter in the state of Utah in the United States, or perhaps at other locations around the world where Mormon temples have been built. Mormonism is everywhere. And so the question we are considering today is indeed a vital question. How should we as Bible-believing Christians witness to Mormons?

Four Factors Bear On the Question

Four factors govern the answer to that question. All of them relate to the authority of the Word of God, and all have their foundation in the truth of God's Word. But before we consider each of those four factors, let me give you a general answer, an overall answer, to the question.

The answer is that you should witness to a Mormon in the same way that you would witness to any other unbeliever. You should witness to a Mormon in essentially the same way that you would witness to a Roman Catholic, or to a member of a liberal church who is relying upon his baptism and his good works for eternal life. You should witness to a Mormon in the same way that you would witness to an unbelieving Jew. You should witness to a Mormon in the same way that you would witness to a Hindu, or a Buddhist, or a Muslim.

Why is this true? This brings us to the four factors I mentioned a moment ago.

Factor number one is the abiding truth that all human beings apart from Jesus Christ are in the same lost condition. The condition of the Mormon apart from Jesus Christ is essentially the same as the condition of any other lost sinner. Over the running centuries man has not changed, except for the worst.

Factor number two is the truth that just as man has not changed, God has not changed. He is still the same holy God He has always been, and His righteous requirements are the same as they have always been. A Mormon is under the same condemnation before the same holy God as everyone else, because of his unbelief.

Factor number three is the truth that the Gospel has not changed. A Mormon needs to hear and to respond to the preaching of the same Gospel as every other lost sinner, from Adam to the last man who will ever be born.

Factor number four is the absolute necessity of regeneration by the Holy Spirit in order for a person to be saved. That work of regeneration is the same for a Mormon as it is for any other unbeliever. And as we shall see, this factor especially bears upon the way in which we should approach our Gospel witness to members of the Mormon church.

Let us consider each of these four factors in detail.

Man Has Not Changed

Factor number one that bears upon our witness to a Mormon is the truth that unsaved man is essentially the same - regardless of whether he is a Mormon, a member of a liberal church, a member of some Eastern or Middle Eastern religion, or a member of some other cult such as the Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventism, or Scientology. Unsaved man is essentially the same even if he professes to be an atheist.

All men apart from Jesus Christ are on their way to eternity in Hell. All are in need of the same salvation. All are cut off from the one true and living God, and in rebellion against Him. "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). "Through one man [Adam] sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all have sinned" (Romans 5:12).

The sin problem of the Mormon is the same as the sin problem of every other individual who has never repented of his sins and trusted, by God's grace alone, through faith alone, in the finished atoning work of Jesus Christ alone, for eternal life and deliverance from eternity in Hell.

God Has Not Changed

This brings us to a second factor that bears upon our witness to a Mormon: Just as man has not changed, God has not changed. God is no less holy than He has ever been throughout eternity. God's absolute requirement of absolute holiness in order for an individual to have a relationship with Him has not changed. "God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do?" (Numbers 23:19).

Because God has not changed, the penalty for the violation of God's righteous requirements has not changed. It is still eternal death - not only physical death, but far more importantly spiritual death, eternal separation from God in the torments of Hell.

The Gospel Has Not Changed

This brings us to a third factor that bears upon our witness to Mormons: The Word of God tells us that just as God has not changed, and just as man has not changed, the Gospel has not changed. Furthermore, God's Word is also absolutely clear that there are not different gospels for different people.

Hebrews 4:2 tells us that the same Gospel was preached to Israel in the wilderness that is being preached to a lost and dying world in the New Testament era. The message has not changed. First Corinthians 10:4 declares that Christ was the Rock of salvation for the saints of the Old Testament, just as He is for those who believe under the New Covenant dispensation.

The Necessity of Regeneration by the Holy Spirit

This brings us to factor number four which bears upon the witness of a Bible-believing Christian to a Mormon: regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely necessary in order for a person to be saved. Regeneration is an absolute necessity whether you are a Mormon or a Muslim, a Scientologist or a Seventh-day Adventist, a Buddhist or an atheist.

The necessity of regeneration by the Holy Spirit is a truth that has been increasingly neglected in the Evangelical church over the past 200 years. One of the tragic results has been what we might best describe as the teaching of "decisional regeneration" - the false idea that someone can simply come forward in a church service, or pray a certain formula prayer, and that such acts all by themselves mean that the individual is saved. Scripture clearly denies such a possibility.

As we conclude our series on Mormonism, we shall take up this final factor in more detail, and offer some concluding thoughts on witnessing to Mormonism's lost souls.

Next: How to Witness to a Mormon - Relying on the Word and the Spirit


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