False teachings about Jesus abound in our time. Have you encountered them and perhaps not even realized it?
What exactly did Paul mean when he said that Jesus "is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation"?
Today the Christ of Scripture is the subject of much misinformation and disinformation -- even within the Evangelical church.
Growing numbers of self-described Evangelicals talk blasphemously about "getting in touch with God's feminine side."
The Trinity has become a neglected doctrine in the Evangelical church in recent times, to the church's great harm. How is your own grasp of it?
As we begin a new year in the midst of a world gone mad, Christians can find great comfort and encouragement in the infinite knowledge of God.
The song of the angels announcing Christ's incarnation was not vague and indefinite, but clear and concrete. The church must understand that, and proclaim it.
The angels who came to simple shepherds to announce Christ's birth were soldiers of His heavenly army.
Jesus stated many reasons why He came into the world, and they remind us of why He has sent us into the world.
A reader asks, "I understand that Jesus never sinned. But was the 'human side' of Jesus capable of committing sin?"