Answering the False 'Prosperity Gospel'

Christian, never accept a cheap substitute for your hope in Christ and His Word.
There is widespread anti-Scriptural fraud among those who claim to exercise tongues-speaking in the prosperity gospel movement.
The heir apparent to the world's leading prosperity gospel financial empire, who has since broken from it and been truly born again, takes readers behind the scenes in a gripping book.
The prosperity gospel portrays a false "God" whose love can be bought, and whose blessings are not free.
"Prosperity preachers write checks with their mouths that the Bible doesn't cash."
Where does the believer in the authentic Christ of Scripture find riches in this present world? We find them not in material things, but in God Himself.
"Who stands to gain the most from this distortion of Scripture? The preachers who use the offerings to fund their high lifestyle."
"The prosperity gospel turns faith into a works-based system and confuses it by adding burdens that people cannot carry."
Men and women who preach the prosperity gospel on Sunday are laughing all the way to the bank on Monday.
"The prosperity gospel attracts those who are looking to get rich off people desperate for hope."
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