Article Archive

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The Holy Spirit intercedes for us in words we cannot articulate, and He also helps us articulate our needs and desires to the Father.
The Biblical answer is found in the nature of God's revelation which He spoke through the prophets and apostles in Scripture.
There is great safety, and great reward, in being rooted and built up in Christ.
"We do not know what we should pray for as we ought" (Romans 8:26)
"Who ever lived a busier life than our Savior? Yet who found more time for prayer?"
The Word of God is the Christian's guide in prayer, and that there is great spiritual profit in praying scripturally.
Why is the Son of God rejected?
Today there is a famine of that kind of preaching and teaching in the Evangelical church. What needs to change?
Christians, even in the best of circumstances, are called upon to confess, as our forebears in the faith did, that we are "strangers and pilgrims on the earth" (Hebrews 11:13).
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