Jesus stated many reasons why He came into the world, and they remind us of why He has sent us into the world.
We offer your Charles Spurgeon's advice from his 'Morning and Evening' reading for Christmas night.
A reader asks, "I understand that Jesus never sinned. But was the 'human side' of Jesus capable of committing sin?"
The question isn't so much where we stand, but where God stands.
This has been a hotly debated topic within some churches, but within the pages of Scripture there is no debate.
Authentic Christianity recognizes that the true church of Jesus Christ is the invisible church.
By giving her the un-Biblical titles of Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix, Rome is well on the way to making Mary a fourth person of the Godhead.
Salvation is by faith alone, in Christ alone, apart from works. Salvation is secure because it is all of Christ.
Scripture demonstrates that Rome's claims of authority in matters of doctrine, and all else, are illegitimate.
The differences between Roman Catholicism and authentic Biblical Christianity are not sliding-scale shades of meaning, but an unbridgeable gulf between Christ and Antichrist, truth and error, Heaven and Hell.