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The church needs to change before the nation can truly change.
As Americans prepare to observe the anniversary of the nation's founding, their country is in deep crisis. The Bible-based legacy of the founding fathers is being devalued and discarded at a breathtaking pace.

What is the problem, and what is the solution? Today many people - even Christians - are looking in the wrong places and to the wrong people for definitions of the problem, and therefore they are grasping at the wrong answers.

To understand the solution to any crisis, you must first understand the cause. You will find that answer in only one place: the Word of God.

What is America's real problem? God sums it up in seven words in Ephesians chapter six. The urgent need of the hour is for Christians, not only in America but around the world, to face this fact and act upon it.

This week we present part one of a two-part message on this vital issue.
In the middle of the first century the Colossian church witnessed the beginnings of a heresy that would plague the church from that day to the present day -- counterfeit worship. How did this evil enter the church, and what form did it take? Stay tuned for the answers, as we continue our series in Colossians chapter two titled "Truth Above All."
The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ is the Head of the church. What does that mean? What is the purpose of His headship? How far does Christ's headship extend? How does it function? What does Christ's headship mean for believers? Stay tuned for the answers, as we look to the Word of God in Colossians chapter two.
What is the source, standard, purpose, and structure of genuine church authority, according to the New Testament? How have reputedly conservative Presbyterian churches - especially the Presbyterian Church in America and the Orthodox Presbyterian Church - violated the Biblical model, to the spiritual peril of multiplied thousands?

Stay tuned for the answers, and a challenge to leaders and members of those denominations, in the final segment of our three-part message, "Presbyterian Anarchy".
This teaching of Dispensationalism effectively denies Christ's total abrogation of the Old Covenant at the cross.
Today, at the risk of receiving a large influx of mail, we answer one of our most frequently-asked questions.

On our last program, we began to examine the damnable heresy that is being openly taught in reputedly conservative Presbyterian churches today, because denominational leaders are exercising counterfeit, un-Biblical authority to protect and promote this evil.

What is Christ's model of genuine spiritual authority in the church? Who, according to Scripture, is to form the first line of defense against error and those who teach it? How is this duty being neglected today? Stay tuned for the answers as we present part two of a message titled "Presbyterian Anarchy".
In our last two broadcasts we looked at some of the more well-known examples of counterfeit authority in the church today - the Purpose-Driven Church movement, and the Emergent Church movement.

Today we'll examine a less well known case in our time that is equally deadly. Damnable heresy is being openly taught in reputedly conservative Presbyterian churches today, because the leaders of those denominations are exercising counterfeit, un-Biblical authority to protect and promote these evils.

What is happening? How did it happen? What is the Biblical response? Stay tuned for the answers as we continue our series from Colossians chapter two titled "Truth Above All".
In Colossians chapter two gives us a timeless warning about the evil tyranny of man-made doctrines in the church. How does that warning apply to Christians today? What dangers must we guard against in our time? Well, as we survey the landscape we find that two movements in today's Evangelical church are at the top of the list. We examined one of them, the Purpose-Driven Church movement, on our last program.

Today we are going to examine the Emergent Church movement. And once again, we see the danger signs as we compare the roots and the fruits of this movement with the problem indicators that Paul gives us in Colossians two.

Also during today's program I'm going to share with you one godly pastor's personal confrontation with the leaders of a denomination that is buying into the Emergent philosophy.
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