Article Archive

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As we enter another year of growing uncertainty and calamity, how does God tell us to face it? Colossians, a letter written to people who were about to lose everything, gives us the answer.
Scripture tells us that to "stay and fight" in a church that's become apostate is itself an act of schism that God condemns.
The great error of higher criticism is that it denies the supernatural character of Scripture and Christianity by denying facts.
Some people adopt what they call an "exit strategy" attitude in the face of clear apostasy in their churches.
That assertion does not pass the test of Scripture. To understand why, we must understand the Bible's definition of The Church.
Reputedly Protestant theologians are reviving the Roman Catholic doctrine of apostolic succession, to the peril of souls.
What is "the acceptable year of the Lord" which Isaiah prophesied and Jesus preached?
MLJ foresaw that reliance on the power of mood-creating technology would supplant reliance on the power of the Holy Spirit.
Why are some of America's leading "Evangelical" churches, seminaries, and ministries rushing to suppress or deny the truth about Mormonism?
Preacher, don't follow the conventional wisdom about dumbing-down the message. Lift people up to it.
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